Clarify the corporate strategy and thus enable decisions to be made in management

The undertaking:
The leading company in the industry is customer-oriented, profitable and its market position is excellent. As major management decisions are pending, questions about the future direction of the company have become more frequent. Interested members of management in particular wanted more clarity, transparency and opportunities to help shape the company's future. Until then, the medium-term plan ("budget plus") had served as the orientation for development. The company then decided to carry out a strategy review and clarification. Together with the management team, the previous corporate strategy was questioned. The developments and trends in the environment and in the market segments could be analysed and assessed with regard to shaping the future. The internal development, the financial situation of the divisions in particular and the ability to implement strategic plans were also examined. 

The process was successfully completed. The strategic goals are transparent, the strategic initiatives have been developed and the structure has been clarified. The management team is ideally placed to implement the sharpened strategy successfully. The Board of Directors now has a solid basis for management decisions. The implementation is being monitored.

Client: Shareholders / Board of Directors
Order placement: recommendation of a client
Function in the project: External lead


To regain competitiveness and thus expand profitability


Further develop the corporate strategy and secure financing